Hi, I’m Tay.

I'm the developer your support reps wish you had.

About Me

I’m new to web development, but I’m not new to software.

I’ve managed HR systems, implemented a CRM platform for a community theatre, and provided customer support and quality assurance testing for a SaaS association management system.

Now I’ve leveled up.

In addition to supporting and testing cloud-based software — now I can create it.

If you’re looking for a developer who understands how an actionable error message can save the support team from a barrage of phone calls, let’s talk.


Drunk on Carbon

Visualizing carbon dioxide equivalents as bottles of wine using Python, Django, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and three third-party APIs.

See the demo and view the code.

Screenshot of the Drunk on Carbon project

Tiny AMS

If you were building an association management system from scratch, where would you start? My take on that MVP uses Python, Flask, SQLite, and Jinja.

See the demo and view the code.

Screenshot of the Tiny AMS project

To-Do App

A time-honored tradition using JavaScript modules, webpack, and localStorage.

See the demo and view the code.

Screenshot of the to-do project

Classic Calculator

A foundational exercise in JavaScript.

See the demo and view the code.

Screenshot of the calculator project